About offline services appinventor faulty

Hi friends,
Sorry for my English. I am an offline services app inventor user. I include extensions, which are not in the offline version. When I create a task and use the extensions I imported here, there is no error in the compilation and the apk is created. However, when I install it on the phone, the program crashes. What could be the reason for this? Anyone using the offline services appinventor and having this problem?

Have you tried (are you able) to use the online version and compile your app there to see if the same issues arise?

If you cannot, someone here could always try it for you (compilation)

Hello Erkan

Does your App contain images? Does it have an image specifically for it's icon? If images are not optimised for Android, they can fill the allocated memory and cause the App to crash.

If you observe exactly when the crash occurs (what the App was doing at the time of the crash) you may have an idea of what part of the code is suspicious. See my Site for a check list:

I have no chance to try it online. Because services.appinventor.mit.edu is closed. Therefore, I can only use app inventor services offline. There is no problem when I use app inverter's own extensions. How, when I install an extension from outside and create a task, when I compile the application and install the apk on the phone, the application has stopped error at the first start.

I give an example. I'm trying an "app launcher" extension. I'm setting a timer for the task. I say open this application at this time .. when I compile and install the apk on the phone, the application crashes without opening at all ..

OK, that could be the extension, but it is just as likely to be images - I don't know, you didn't answer my questions........ :thinking:

We haven't asked you to try it online, but how big is your Project?
http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au accepts 30mb Projects.

no, just 6 mb in size. there is no picture. there is only extension

Well that's good news - can you try building the Project online then? I suspect that the Offline software may be a little out of date.

So is there an online appinventor site where I can try service

As already mentioned:
http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au :grin:

Sorry. There is not an MIT online app inventor site where you can build a service app (an app that will run in the background). The service (task) site was removed a long time ago.

Is this what you are trying to do You downloaded the services branch and compiled it on your own computer?

The branch can be found here:



MIT App Inventor Public Open Source. Contribute to thequixotic/appinventor-sources development by creating an account on GitHub.

The README has all the instructions needed to compile the sources, however this code is over four years old and can not be expected to work with modern extensions and the Companion.

Sorry Erkan

My misunderstanding! There is however an extension intended to allow an App to run tasks in the background:

Is there any reason behind why app Inventor stop this sticky task ?? If yes then that time is not possible but now is possible. is in future MIT app Inventor try to get back the sticky task in future ??

The goalposts were constantly moving as Google re-structured Android. Since the MIT team are only small, the work probably became too much. Everything added to App Inventor has to be weighed against how popular it might be and how useful in terms of learning computer science.

It would be interesting to learn how popular the background tasks extension has turned out to be.

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The development team decided the methodology used at the time to develop tasks was not working for many of the existing controls. They reached a dead end and the effort was abandoned. In the future? You can hope or graduate to a professional compiler like Android Studio that can do tasks now or learn to develop an extension for App Inventor and share it with the community. What is required to develop tasks in the Android environment is difficult.