I use the AI companion and load it to my iphone.(Version 2.64.1(build 9)
After clicking the Calculate button in Screen1, it should open Screen2 and pass the start value to Screen2. However, nothing display in Screen2.
But the code works fine in my Android phone.
One would have to say that everything would fit comfortably on Screen1, so it would be considered bad practice to have another Screen.
Is this school homework? We often ask this question before giving technical answers as it's not right to do the homework for you - but we can hint at what causes the issue. However, using one Screen, there is no issue.
I am using iOS Version 16.3.1 I did not use the Emulator for testing. Actually I use the App Inventor 2 App Version: 2.64.1(build 9) to run my App. The App works fine for the Android phone but it does not work properly on my iPhone. The problem is when Screen2 is initialized , there is nothing display on Screen2.
It's possible this could be a regression of some kind. I had implemented those blocks for iOS quite a while ago (opening screens was done as early as late 2016; accessing the start values was early 2018).