AI key - ChatBot, ImageBot -

I'm sure this has been covered before, but we are an afterschool program with about 600 participants starting this fall. We will be using an app to teach using the ChatBot and ImageBot components. We use a template for the kids, but the question is the need for a key.

Last year the kids just started experimenting with those components, sometimes it worked without a key, and other times it didn't. We're a nonprofit so purchasing a key for all 600 kids is something we would like to avoid.

Could someone explain exactly how the no key is working, and also if it will work on this scale?

The Chatbot component, MIT provides a certain amount of 'free' usage by paying chatgpt it's fees. The free usage subsidized by MIT is shared by all the Chatbot component users and is limited When the 'free' usage for demonstration purposes is used up for the month, the component will throw an error saying it's allocation is used up. This happens usually during the end of the month as users gobble up the limit set by MIT but can occur sooner in the month if the feature is heavily used.. MIT usually resets the limit at the beginning of the month.

I doubt no key usage will work successfully for all your students with the amount of usage you contemplate. I asked one of the MIT staff to comment here so look for MIT's comments and they can explain in detail.

Thank you, we had some kids using it last year and got the allocation used up message so we purchased a openai key. We would like to teach this, but I need to see if there's some sort of nonprofit educational discount with openai.

Try openai to see what they have to say....