Hello, i’m a french student and for my last year i must to make a topic.
And i have a problem…
I must connect microbit with AI2.
I have download the extention BluetoothLE1 and BlockTalkyBLE but the both don’t work.
BTBLE: https://courstechnocollege.jimdofree.com/cycle-4/microbit-1/interface-ai2-pour-piloter-micro-bit/
BluetoothLE1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-2Hv5yA0HggTLYn1EMXoIaggNtbjDTOp
The problem is when i open the app and when i press “Scan” i didn’t found the Microbit cart
Did you have solution?
This discussion might help MIT App inventor App does not detect microbit Bluetooth
Make sure you are using the latest BLE extension Try the one here:
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Hello Joris
I have put together some useful info on my website.
https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsMicroBit MicroBit
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And use the no-pairing needed advice I gave in the thread Steve mentioned. It just makes your life a lot easier.
Cheers, Ghica.
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