Aistarter crash

beta1 (1).aia (581.9 KB)

Aistarter turns off every time I move the screen. What should I do
It's okay to go from screen 1 to 2, 3, 4 but if it's the opposite, it's forced to end


This is not a recommended way to return to Screen1.

Screens must be closed as often as they are opened.

Also, do not play sounds while switching screens, or allow timers to run while switching screens.

Screens must not die with unfinished business.

Also, your generic button click does not allow for exceptions, like the button to return to Screen1:

Here is how to make it better behaved:

This way, it does not have to worry about which buttons to ignore, since those other buttons would have their own Click events.

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I tested your app on BlueStacks emulator, using the Companion.

It ran perfect as is for a short run, with screen switching and sound.

I recommend using a different emulator than aistarter, like BlueStacks, using the Connect->Companion technique.

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How do I change it to use it in aistarter?

The generic coding technique is not related to your aistarter problems.
It's just something I noticed going through your code.

Your fix to the aistarter problems will go through your choice of emulator.

P.S. I posted the wrong image for the generic event block fix.

It is now corrected.

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Thank you so much. it's been solved!

What fixed it?

The new emulator?

The blocks change?

It's fixed now

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