All Rescued Extensions from Thunkable Classic Community

Extension name: OCR Extension.

Extension author: Mika

Extension blocks:

Download AIX: com.NMD.Ocr.aix (383.4 KB)


Zhangzqs DialogAnything

cn.zzq.Dialog.aix (6.5 KB)


Image Base64 by @sivagiri Sivagiri Visakan

com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64.aix (6.0 KB)


Ulli UDP Client extension


Wow, I'm very happy that you rescued a lot of extensions.
Keep up your good work :smiley: :+1:


Extension name: Web Viewer Dialog

Author: Ben Moliata a.k.a. ILoveThunkable

Extension blocks:

Download AIX: Web Viewer Dialog.aix (10.9 KB)

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Extension name: Image Print Extension

Author: Ben Moliata a.k.a. ILoveThunkable

Extension blocks:

blocks (7)

Download AIX: Image Print.aix (1.6 MB)

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Extension name: Colors

Author: Vishwas

Author username (for contact): @vishwas

Extension blocks:

blocks (8)

:warning: WARNING! You can use only 1 extension from this author, as if you use multiple extensions from the same author, you will have a DX execution failed error in your app. Use: [F/OS] 🎨 ColorUtilities - Some Tools To Work With Colors instead.

Download AIX: Vishwas Colors.aix (6.7 KB)

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Extension name: Firebase Authentication V1 (Version 3 wanted!)
[mod comment: Believe this is V3 - it has the facebook, google and update profile blocks]

Author: Mirxtrem Apps

Extension blocks:

Download AIX: Firebase Auth.aix (37.8 KB)


Similarly, all other extensions of colintree can be found on that website.

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Hmm...I still can't find these unavailable extensions:

  • Custom ListView

  • Event Caller

But I have added them to the list. Thanks!

Hi Lu, i have a collection of about 200 extensions, do you want it? Since i have no time to upload them one by one. I can pm you a link of zip file.


Firebase Auth.aix (37.8 KB)


I would be grateful if you can! Thank you. :star:

Tim, I can't seem to find any difference with the old one. They seem to the same in size, and similar when I put them together to compare in 2 projects. Maybe the developer forgot to update the version.


Could be, I downloaded it last year from the V3 link, but as you say, it appears to be the same as V1.

Extension name: Half Menu 3D Extension

Author: Jerin Jacob

Author username (for contact): @Jerin_Jacob

Extension blocks:

Download AIX: Half Menu.aix (29.1 KB)

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Extension name: QR Code Creater

Author: Zhangzqs

Author username (for contact): @Zhangzqs

Extension blocks:

Download AIX: QR Code Creater.aix (13.5 KB)

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Extension name: Sound Wave Extension

Author: Andres Daniel Cotes

Author username (for contact): @Andres_Cotes

Extension blocks:

blocks (12)

Download AIX: Sound Wave.aix (12.0 KB)

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Extension name: Image Interceptor Viewer (Cropper) Extension

Author: Zhangzqs

Author username (for contact): @Zhangzqs

Extension blocks:

Download AIX: cn.zzq.ImageCrop.aix (32.0 KB)

Thanks to Kevinkun for providing me this extension's AIX file.