Android Companion unable to connect

Android Companion does not connect when entering the code either manually or via QR scan. On iOS everything connects seamlessly.

  • is this recent Android release buggy?

Which version of the companion are you using? When you connect, are you using the standard connection or are you checking "Use Legacy Connection"?

iOS implements the latter, so it should also work with Android if its working on iOS. Nothing has changed in App Inventor regarding our use of WebRTC from the last release. If you're in a school or corporate environment, it's possible that the network configuration has been changed in a way that prevents WebRTC from establishing a connection between the two devices.

Hi again, I’m using the latest download MIT App (July?) from the Google Play store, I have also ticked and unticked the legacy box, but no difference (there is no help as to which should be chosen?)

I am just an individual engineer, not part of an educational environment, my Ethernet/WiFi network is very simple.
Thanks for any help.

Ensure android device is on the same (wifi) network as the host computer ?

Yes they both are, the iOS phone and the Android phone.
Even running the emulator and USB does not work (yes I’ve updated the HTC One drivers on the PC)
I may have to consider Visual Studio :flushed:

Which browser are you using?

Have you read the advice here? Perhaps you missed a step:

Have you uploaded the Android Companion to your Android device (seems obvious but a possible failure point)? Are you using Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers (among those recommended). Some users have indicated issues with Edge in the past.

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Hello Tim - what is the precise model HTC One (M7, M8?), and what is it's precise Android version?

is your app updated to the latest version?

Have you tried running the Companion app in one of the alternative emulators?

It just says HTC One, sorry it's not my phone so I don't have other records.
Device serial number begins SH3CMW9xxxxx. Android 5.0.2

  • can't even access MIT at the moment, I seem to be blocked and have emailed admin

Stop spamming your topic !

I've been using Chrome and did a quick 3 projects... I've been experience logon problems, - can't even access MIT at the moment, I seem to be blocked and have emailed admin. Even if I used Firefox or Chrome now I can't get a re-direct to the app page

I'm just replying to questions

Admin within your Company? It is possibly a broadband issue, so if you have an IT department they would be able to trace the fault. It could also be caused by an Anti-Virus program on your computer. If you have AV, put FireFox's program files folder in it's 'white list'.

Hi Chris,
No I'm the admin here!
Curiously I was able to get to the ai2 project page using Firefox on an iPhone. But Firefox on an Android phone didn't work. I can't access http://ai2 etc on any browser on my desktop PC.
And as iOS is not supported in extensions, (and I want BLE extensions) I'm going to bite the Visual Studio bullet and get into C#. This MIT issue has already delayed me 1 week....

Hi again Tim

You could get in touch with your broadband supplier to see if they have blocked the MIT site - they may have black-listed it because it is http (changing to https in the near future).

88.9K Users Today (0.5M Users this Month). I think those stats tell us that the issue is at your end......

There are other programming languages you might like to try, all of which in my opinion are better for creating Android Apps than C# is:
Android Studio using JAVA or Kotlin;
Spider Basic.

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