App Competition - Funmora Developers (competition is finished)

You do not need a gmail account to sign up to the AI2 community

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I have made some changes in the Google Form.

What is the difference between Mail -id and email Both are same

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Now please check it once again and reload the page.

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Hi Everyone,
I have made a small poll about this competition.
Please Check it out!
Do tell suggestions here.

Big Announcement :loudspeaker:

Winners Announced :trophy:

1st Winner

Message @Taifun to get your extension(of your choice) prize!
Congratulations :+1: :1st_place_medal:

2nd Winner

Congratulations :+1: :2nd_place_medal:


3rd Position ?

Because of no enough participants

What? This cannot be a competition only 2 at least there should be 5 contestants
Even in Big completion if less participants they will receive the name of 1st but no prizes

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It is one

There is no rule like that, we got less contestants.

I can't get you :thinking:

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We liked the 2 submission so much, so as we said at the first we gave the prizes, We can't leave the talented ones like that.


There is no need for this. If there were only two participants, then the awards are applicable.


Okay @TIMAI2

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Maybe show the projects they made. Screenshots etc.


Sure I will upload the screenshots soon...

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@SRIKAR_B.S.S wow.. :heart_eyes:
Thanks Funmora Developers for making me the first winner and Thanks App Inventor Builder for giving us a chance to hone our talents.


Congratulations @TechHamara!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :smile:


Your Most Welcome @TechHamara
Congratulations once again :+1:

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congratulations @TechHamara
please send me a PM together with a link to the paid extension you have chosen as well as your Google account, so I can grant permission to that email address for you to download the extension. Thank you.
