App Non responsive while downloading multiple files

Yes, this is the behaviour! and I assume during automatic Google test, they check the button, but it has no effect, and they reject the app: App contains buttons(s) that are not responsive " :fearful:

from the documentation:


This must be done programmatically in the app, the user cannot dismiss the spinning circle (which has always been present in AI2)

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I have watched 1000s of Pre-launch report videos over the last few years and have very often noticed that buttons were not met or not triggered (because they were disabled).

None of these apps were rejected in the Play Store.

I actually think it's out of the question that using/calling up a ShowProgressDialog is a reason for rejection in the Play Store. (If I didn't know what Google can do to its users, I would bet against it at any time.)

As far as I remember, a ProgressDialog has been available from the start in Android and all AI2 distros. It also exists in iOS. And as Tim said, the progress can only be ended programmatically. All elements on the screen are disabled until then.

Maybe it's time to hear a word from @ewpatton on this (before I go to the trouble of testing it with a test app in the Play Store, which would most likely be a waste of time).

I will first wait for a reaction and then remove the solution marker.

@Anke Maybe I mis-interpretated the Google explanation on the reason they rejected the App.
If needed, I can do more check and publish different version to check. Let me know

Have you also covered all error paths to make sure that the dialog gets dismissed? Some tests are run on IPv6 networks, so if your assets are hosted on an IPv4 only server and they fail to load, will the progress bar disappear? What about if you are in airplane mode and disconnected from Wifi? Because the progress dialog is modal you need to really make sure you cover every edge case to ensure it gets dismissed.

Alternatively, you could consider putting a linear progress component to render the progress of the downloads so that there is a visual indicator that progress is being made rather than using the dialog, which is indeterminant (and therefore it's harder for the automated systems to understand it will terminate).


Thanks a lot for your input.

  • When download fails (timeout), I Dismiss the Progress bar (Need to double check all edge case)
  • My assets are hosted on Google Drive, so IPv6 should be OK
  • I am reluctant to use progress bar as it is not supported for iOS and my next challenge is to release the App on iOS
  • I will make more tests trial and let you know the outcome

Just use a label to show progress:

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There could be other errors as well. You might want to add a path via the ErrorOccurred event on the screen to clear the dialog if something goes wrong.

Hmm. Let me look into this because I know we had something implemented.

Try to release an update without ShowProgressDialog as an internal test track and let us know what happens...