If you don't mind telling me. How do I access the beta option. Under my current version I'm using there is no such option
How about you read carefully first and then ask questions.
So now for the 5th and final time:
Thank you
Hi I'm new on this forum. I'm developing with my students an app with app inventor, we have created the ipa and then created an account as Educational on Apple developer.
I'm trying to add the ipa to Transporter to create the Build because we want to distribute it on Apple Store. But it tell us this error:
The provided entity includes an attribute with a value that has already been used (-19232)
La versione del pacchetto deve essere superiore rispetto alla versione caricata in precedenza: “1” (ID: 45f7b8c4-4ca2-42c9-a982-b5f2047268a3)
I've found on other forum that with this errore we have to change some stings but I can't open the ipa on Xcode .
Could you help us?? many thanks
Every build needs to use a new VersionCode when deploying to the App Store. You need to go to Project Properties > Publishing > VersionCode and increase the number by 1.
Thank you so much. I could verify and apparently upload the app on the App Store, But when it seemed ok....other 2 errors occurred. Many thanks for your support.
Invalid Swift Support. The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it. (90426)
Missing purpose string in Info.plist. Your app’s code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data, or the app has one or more entitlements that permit such access. The Info.plist file for the “PlayerApp.app” bundle should contain a NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. If you’re using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required. For details, visit: Requesting access to protected resources | Apple Developer Documentation. (90683)
I've pushed a new version (ios-buildserver-2.64.6-12) that should fix the errors from Apple related to Bluetooth permissions. The relevant properties have now been added to the Project Properties dialog.
I've just compiled the project properties and the second error has disappeared. Not the first one, I keep trying...thanks very much
I do not get the first error that you've posted. Can you tell us more about your project? Does it happen even with an empty project?
well, I think that the problem is that I was using an Adhoc provisioning profile instead of a production one when I was trying to deploy to the App Store Connect. Now I'm trying to change this setting
....so ...I have created another profile (to put the app on store and not ad hoc). I have downloaded the profile and added it to Media on App inventor beta (without cancel the profile ad hoc...if I do this I can't generate no more .ipa, so I keep both of them). Then I have filled the App Store setting in App inventor with my ID and the App specific password. When I click OK he writes something as "insert a correct ID" (but it's correct!!) but I can't read well because it disappear. If I open again the window nothing is written.
I try to upload the app to Appstore with the tool in the beta but the error is "insert the ASC short name". I've found it, I've tried again with this and now the error is the Specific password. I'm desperate. I have to upload this before Monday evening.....
If you plan to set the short name, you must provide all three items in the dialog at that time. This is because the credentials are asymmetrically encrypted so that the App Inventor server itself cannot read them (i.e., they are write-only). This is why you don't see any content in the dialog even after setting the values.
Just to confirm. after using the "Upload to App Store" option, do you get this dialog?
And then only after App Store Connect processes your app do you get the email stating that the bundle is missing the SwiftSupport directory?
Yes I put all the three items in the dialog box.
I don't see the dialog "your app has been successfully uploaded...". After the "upload to App Store Connect" the green bar try to upload the app but then there is a log error. Sometimes the problem is the ID apple, sometimes the ASC, this last time the problem is this (I have written the app specific password with 16 letter and without - )
prof.cannovi@liceofanti.edu.it is my appleID
If I download the IPA and charge it to Transporter (the tool of Apple Store), the verification is OK, but after the attempt to upload to Apple Store the error is The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Thank you very much..
I'm not sure what "mouse" is supposed to be in this context. You need to provide your email for your Apple ID, the app specific password generated for App Inventor (copy and paste to prevent transcription errors), and the optional short name.
This page has instructions with screenshots.
Ok, this is what I've done. I 've generated the app specific password on the web site appleid.apple.com. and I've copied the 16 characters (with the - or without) and the result is these logs....
i'm getting this error
Your project lacks a mobileprovision profile
I've read some post about it, so I'have add a second provisioning profile to distribute the app . Before I had only an Ad hoc profile. I haven't cancel from media the ad hoc profile because if I did it I found errors by compiling.