Apple must release the installation of apps on its devices

Good news for the Apple developers¡¡¡¡
I have read this news that announces that Apple abides by the EU ruling and will allow apps to be installed outside of its App Store. We will see how it is implemented (I suppose with released IPA packages with a special App Store as says this news).

In English we have a saying about not counting your chickens until they hatch. I would hold off celebrating until we see how Apple plans to implement anything around the EU DMA. For all we know, it won't extend beyond iOS devices made for the EU market. How things are implemented will be key to how it affects people building apps with App Inventor.


You can read the full new here:

In Catalonia we say: "Don't say wheat until you have it tied up in your bag." (NO diguis blat fins que el tinguis en el sac ben lligat).

I think if it is for UE after will be delivered for all (because it will be a illegal discirmination).

As say the news Japan ans USA are ​struggling to get also this.

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If I save an IOS just to send to a that outside the Apple feed?

No. iPhones will not install software that isn't signed by a certificate that has the Apple root CA in its chain, and the only way to acquire that certificate is by paying Apple's developer licensing fee.

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Isn't this similar to android google play? or am I missing something?

To can generate an Apple IPA (similar to the Android APK) you need an Apple personal certificate and to can put your App on the Apple Store also you will need to pay a yearly tax as an Apple Developeer (except academic students).

I can't change my app icon or rename application there is no option to change

Read here: Version of the IPA-AdHoc at same level as iOS-Companion? - #31 by Ferran_SIMON

May be, this also can help you also: Nombre de la App e icono

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