Apps using Itoo and build after august 17 cause the app to crash

Apps using Itoo and build (apk) after august 18 (2024) crash when launched. Builds made of the same app before this date don't suffer this issue.

This is not only true for my own developed apps. I tried the "Batterychecker" as well. The old build I had install and run without issues. When I re-build and re-install the app, it crashes.

I had no old build of the "SimpleItooProject" but a new build/install crashes.

Where applicable I upgraded to the latest version of Itoo (Sky 4.2), but this didn't help either.

I tried two different Samsung A52 phones, both running Android 14. I also tried a Samnsung Tab S6 Lite running Android 14 as well. Same problem on all devices.

I had no software update on my devices.

Any idea whats going on?

Hello. Please post a sample Crashing AIA so that I can examine. Please also mention where exactly it crashes.

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I have a similar Problem. Since today an Update of my App with itoo did not start an Android 14 (Samsung Galaxy S24+), no Problem with Android 0 (Samsung Galaxy Note 8).

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Can you please provide any sample crashing AIA?

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Hi Kumaraswamy,

I can give you my project, but as mentioned, the problem also occur with the standard examples provided with your extension.

For example "SimpleItooProject.aia" and "BatteryChecker.aia". These are probably easier to understand. For your convenience, I uploaded the aia files here.

I have the impression the crash happens when calling the CreateProcess method.

SimpleItooProject.aia (81.9 KB)
batterychecker.aia (185.6 KB)

(you might have to upgrade the extension to the latest version)

I have had no issues having created (from scratch), built, installed and run several itoo extension apps in the last 24 hours. This is on Android13, Google Pixel 4a.

I see this though in the first post:

Samsungs ? Android 14? (both together?)
Companion not updated (not that this should affect a build) ?

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Hello. The issue has been confirmed. I'm currently working on an update.

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This Test-App worked well until yesterday!

Sorry for the first AIA-File. This one worked on Android 9, not on Android 14 since Todtoday. I tested it 5 minutes ago.

Hello all, I please test this updated version that should potentially fix the issue:

xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.aix (55.0 KB)

In this version, you can specify foreground service type.

If you are using notification style extension along with Itoo. It requires additional update. Please remove notification style extension while testing it.

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I will be away from my computer for a few days and will start testing as soon as I return on Sunday.

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unfortunately no success even after the new update of Itoo.

In the meantime, even AI-Companion (version 2.72) with Android 14 (last update on 14.8.2024) no longer works with the Samsung Galaxy S24+.

As before, there are no problems with Android 9 on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

What's going on?


can you please elaborate?
what exactly happens and what do you want to happen instead?
for projects using itoo you have to build the project and test using the apk file...


Hi Typhoon,

What exactly happens:

As you know, I have developed an app with various help functions for my own use. This app worked fine on both my old Samsung Note 8 (Android 9) and my new Samsung Galaxy S24+ (Android 14 – last update 8/14/2024) until 8/19.

Due to a small graphical adjustment, I generated a new APK file and updated the app on both phones. With the old Samsung Note, everything works perfectly as before, with the Galaxy24+ the app crashes even before the screen appears.

Since I read in the forum about problems with Itoo, I removed this extension as a test fromm y app – and everything was fine again on both phones – with the exception of the function associated with Itoo, of course.

At Kumaraswamy's request, I extracted the itoo function into a small test app (SensorenTest_Steps.aia) and created an APK from it. Again, everything is OK under Android 9, under Android 14 this test app also crashes before the screen appears.

After today's update of the itoo extension, there are no problems under Android 9 either, under Android 14 the same problem was present again.

What is new as of today is that the AI companion no longer starts under Android 14. According to the forum, this should not be an isolated case either.


So much for the current status.

What I want to happen instead:

Full Function off my App and AI-Companion on Android 9 and Android 14

Greetings from Vienna

You will just need to be patient until the extension developer can hopefully resolve the issues...

They do not have an Android 14 device, so it is difficult for them to test.

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Hello all, there will be a fix published by tomorrow.

Thank you


xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.aix (81.5 KB)

Hello all, please test this updated extension on your Android 14 devices and let me know the results. I've conducted a test on Firebase TestLab Devices and it works.

Please do not include NotificationStyle Extension, NotificationStyle extension requires a different update.

@KaKri @Marcel

Have you tested the latest releases of itoo and notification style, if you are using both ?

Please focus on the question asked, if you have issues with other extensions, ask about those in their respective topics.

Hello Kumaraswamy,

the test app is now working.

However, when I transfer the iToo blocks in my main app, it starts, but crashes again immediately under Android 14. Besides Itoo, I only use the following extensions:

Typhoon AlarmManager, Typhoon Tools, Typhoon BatteryOptimization,

can there be an incompatibility? Everything is still OK with Android 9.

On Android 14, there is still the problem that a connection is established with AI-Companion (Refresh Companion Screen - is activated), but only the home screen remains visible. No error message is displayed. Is there a tip for this?

I have one more request:

If I use the same routines as with the now working test app with Itoo and pedometer for the accelerometer sensor, this only works if the app is also visible and not in the background as with the steps. This is the same with Android 9 and 14. Please take a quick look at the enclosed app with both sensors – what's the problem? Thank you in advance.


Project removed as it contains a paid extension