Auto size font googlesheet or formgoogle on WEBVIEWER

HI, I have promblem wit webviewer, i wan to create BUTTON to auto size the file googlesheet on webviwer to full screen and normal screen. OR how to make zoom out and in with two finger on webviewer


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THANK YOU, i don't know where the place CustomWebView
can u tell me how to create this.

this is an extension. search in Taifun's extension directory.

now.. how to read file ini Insert File google form in WebView, because insert file can't to clik or open.

Again, search tool is the friend indeed.

You can put ResultUri directly into UploadFile method.

i can't solve this, webview or customwebview can't open Insert file from googleform.

Show your blocks.


I don't think the post I linked above have blocks similar to yours.
Let me make it simpler for you.
Create a Webview
Set Properties
Under FileUploadNeeded event

  • Set Activity Starter action
  • Start Activity

After getting ResultUri pass it to UploadFile.

From where did you get those Activity Starter blocks?

Don't know if this will help with your font or zooming issues, but the webviewextra extension will enable a native webviewer to upload through a google form

ok, i will try this... wait

Make sure your blocks look like this

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