Bagaimana cara post aplikasi kita di google play

Saya sudah memiliki akun di google play console, dan mencoba untuk upload aplikasi saya agar tampil di google play, apakah ada yang memiliki pengalaman atau tutorial untuk upload aplikasi di google play?

sebab saya kebingungan tentang cara upload aplikasinya, saya sudah upload aplikasi (*.aab) dan sudah menyelesaikan semua pertanyaan maupun pernyataan yang diberikan, namun hingga saat ini aplikasi saya belum rilis di playstore.

Please write in English, so everyone can understand you.

They can use their own language to post, we have a translator.....


But we don't have a translator for

  • Screen shots
  • Variable names
  • Component names
  • Data

Feeling lucky?

I already have an account on Google Play Console, and am trying to upload my application to appear on Google Play, does anyone have experience or a tutorial for uploading applications on Google Play?

because I am confused about how to upload the application, I have uploaded the application (*.aab) and have completed all the questions and statements given, but until now my application has not been released on Playstore.

I apologize for not using English when posting questions on this forum:
Bottom line:

I already have a Google Play Console account (required if you want to register the application on Google Play)

I've tried following the steps (by uploading the *.aab file)

An inspection is carried out by the system, and there are stages of "internal testing", "closed testing", finally "open testing".

Do all the tests have to be done so that our application can appear on the Google Play Store?

Please help friends here who have experience posting their applications on Google Play.

Thank you, greetings from Indonesia

See here with regards to testing: