Ble extension no longer works

I believe that even an extension with empty content will not load, but I will try to create that to understand the extension.

I would appreciate it if someone could provide me with an extension that is empty (just an icon).

No issue loading your project here however, ble extension is outdated so try updating it and see if it helps..

P.S. ble extension was updated two days ago

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I found “MIT AI2 Companion Version:2.71” on the device I was looking for and tried it. AI Companion is OK.

Version: 2.71t3u is NG.

Many thanks for your help.
I have a similar issue with companion and extension.
only with Android 14 Samsung A72, Samsung A53 and Motorola G23 ) i have this isseue:
as described from 818macot when you add an aextension the companion stop to refresh the display on smrtphone.
i have tried with different extensions: bluetoothLE (different version), LocationStatus from ANKE.
I think there have been changes to A2I that have created this problem.
I have other projects compiled on July 16, 2024 that have the same extensions that if I install them on the smartphones listed above using the apk generated in July do not cause any problems, if I open the projects and run them with companion I do not even get to the main screen.

Are you comfortable using adb logcat? If you log the connection process to the point where the main screen should display in the companion and send it to me it might help me narrow down the issue.

Try this one:

and post a screenshot like this:

By the way, it also works with Companion without any problems.


i don't know logcat, but i can check it and try to log.
i will write back when i have log

this apk works, but also my old apk works.
I can't make change or develope a new one on android 14. now i wil got to try logcat

This app was created with the current AI2 version (targetSdkVersion=34) and the latest version of the BLE extension (Date Built: 2024-08-22). And as you can see from my screenshot, it runs perfectly on an Android 14 device.

Thanks for your reply.

On the Xiaomi Pad 6 Android 14 device, the ListView that scanned the device should close after a successful BLE connection, but it did not close and the communication process failed.

I suspected the MIT AI2 Companion app because the time when this problem occurred coincided with the up grade of “MIT AI2 Companion Version:2.72/2.72u”.

So I searched to see if it was possible to down grade to Version:2.71, but could not find it.

I thought that the version of the app was available for download along with the version history, but since they did not exist, I did not search deeply enough to find out if down grading was not possible due to the consistency with MIT's server.

In the meantime, if I downgrade to Version:2.71, AI Companion is fine, but the next version 2.73 or later, remains a problem.

Also, bug fixes in the current version 2.72 and later may affect the project.

Dear ANKE, I love you.
we already meet on this forum for another issue on ble entension.
I respect you so much and I want to tell you so.
after that, now i'm trying to use logcat as sugeest from ewpatton, but for now i have a lot of debug rows and i must understand how extract some significative data.

please can you try now to open your project on a2i and test if you can connect and run with companion?
my main problem is that the companion stops works (not refresh smarthphone display) if i add an extension.

if i install a previous project already compiled in apk it works perfectly. But if i recompile it it doesn't work the companion screen disappears.

is it possible to have the aia file of your project to see if it works with the companion?

any suggestions on how to save the logcat log?

As I already said...

And post your aia (or send it to me via PM).

test_ble_connecting_a14_for_anke.aia (202.1 KB)

here is the aia of a simple test.
i have tryed a old version of comapnion app (2.66) and with this works fine

I think like 818macot "I suspected the MIT AI2 Companion app because the time when this problem occurred coincided with the up grade of “MIT AI2 Companion Version:2.72/2.72u”."

The ESP32 sends a binary counter with the following code.

uint32_t value = 0; . .setValue(value); value++;

BLE connection is OK, but,
When I touch [Read bytes], it looks like the attached screenshot.

The counter is not showing.
Is this correct?

How do I attach a screenshot?

I have asked MS Copilot and they don't know,

Post a screenshot.

Your are not using the latest BLE version:


And the ListView must not be set to invisible. So put it in an HA and set this to invisible.


Thank you for your time.

The ESP32 sends a binary counter with the following code.

uint32_t value = 0; . .setValue(value); value++;

BLE connection is OK, but,
When I touch [Read bytes], it looks like the attached screenshot.

The counter is not showing.
Is this correct?

Roger that.

Are you sure, this is correct?


I don't think so.