Can someone help me to make a bubble sort visualizer using MIT?
The video below is an example of a bubble sort visualizer.
Bubble Sort - YouTube
Can someone help me to make a bubble sort visualizer using MIT?
The video below is an example of a bubble sort visualizer.
Bubble Sort - YouTube
Welcome Light.
You need a bubble sort algorithm See a nice discussion List Sorting On App Inventor | Imagnity using Blocks. This can also be done using javascript etc. (see below)
you need to plot the results. App Inventor community discusses several ways to graph data Search results for 'graph' - MIT App Inventor Community using variously javascript ( JavaScript function: Bubble Sort algorithm - w3resource ) , html or the Canvas.
What have you tried?
This look lke a fun project.
To visualize well, you need to use a Clock Timer instead of a loop, to give a chance for the user to see what's happening.
For a sort, one comparison per Clock Timer cycle should be okay.
If you want to add sounds, the Player component has an Event block that can fire at end of sound. You can use that instead of the Clock Timer to advance the show, assuming you have short audio clips.
Expect to need a few global variables:
There is an upcoming graph component you can try if you are lazy like me.
It is at the bottom of the FAQ
Final_Exam_IT223 (1).aia (7.9 KB)
Above is the one I made but still, it is not okay. I wonder how can i fix it or what should i do to perfect it.