Can I advertise BLE (StartAdvertising)?

Hi, I'm very new to Inventor and have searched high and low but cant seem to find what I am looking for.

  1. Is it possible to advertise BLE I'm trying but it just returns false.
  2. Can you edit a BLE Mac address (advertise with a different on)

My Arduino type device listens for a certain mac address then turns on its advertising so that I can connect to it.

I've looked for similar examples but had no luck.. any help is appreciated..


I meet the same problem. I tried to use my Android 10 phone to start ble advertising but the value of "IsDeviceAdvertising" remains false when I use method "StartAdvertising".

The BLE extension version is 20200828 and the device is Android 10 mobile phone.

I would be really appreciated if there is any help. Thank you.


for a more recent BLE extension.

Hello! Thank you for your reply. After updateing the latest version of BLE extension, the advertising problem remains. Here are my blocks:

When I test in AI2 Campanion, the value of "IsDeviceAdvertising" remains false no matter how I click button1. Would you mind to help me with it? Thank you.
Device Information: Oneplus5 Android 10.
BLE Extension Version: 20201223

It just stays false no matter what!

Hello, it seems like it still is not working

See the more recent BLE and Companion versions at


I did I'm using 2024-08-22 problem persists.

and your Companion version?


There is a new version in the FAQ

even the builds do not work

Do they give you an .apk file?


(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.



TestBLE.aia (199.3 KB)

I don't think you can advertise "Hello World!!!" according to what I see at

(I seem to be unable to download and open .apk files on my phone at the moment.)

I tried numbers and it didn't work, also btw the documentation says it requires a text value