Cannot find TextBox TextAlignment block

Hi. I am making a word processor. I have to align the text. I cannot find the TextAlignment block. So how do I align textBox text with blocks? can you please please help me with this?

TextAlignment is only available in the Designer.


Captured from the App Inventor documentation.

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then how can I align text with blocks?

I'm afriad there is not a way to do this.

You can add a feature request issue in GitHub.

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I have submitted the issue. Thanks :slight_smile:

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You can use the CompCreator extension to set the TextAlignment property of a textbox:




@AyProductions, you can temporarily use Tim's solution, until there is a built-in block way.

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lol :slight_smile: - it could be a long wait.....


It could be. @preetvadaliya already requested to work on this.

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@TIMAI2 thanks :slight_smile: it works!

@gordonlu310 yeah i saw that :wink:

and i also requested fontUnderline property in GitHub issue!

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@TIMAI2 I think TextAlignment is not that much important and makes sense while you are taking input from the user.

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But I saw your Github reply. My app is a word processor. It needs text alignment :slight_smile:

Then use @TIMAI2 solution.

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Yes his solution works. So will you introduce that block, or not??

Wait for Evan's reply on issue

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Ok sure. Will he reply on Github or this community??

On GitHub or maybe here also.

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Very interesting, comp creator is not only used to create components but also to integrate existing ones

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The Set Property of Component feature is just awesome :smiley:


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