... and also on devices with Android < 10.
I changed some blocks of your aia:
This should work on all Android versions.
See also here:
... and also on devices with Android < 10.
I changed some blocks of your aia:
This should work on all Android versions.
See also here:
Check this APK (on your Android 4.4.2 device):
and post a screenshot after clicking on "save file
" button.
Should look like this:
Here is the screenshot:
The file saves it correctly, but the path is not:
/ storage / emulated / 0 / my folder / a.txt
if not that is saved in:
/ storage / sdcard0 / my folder / a.txt
that's why substituting:
/ storage / emulated / 0
by :
I get it to work fine on all Android versions regardless of how the path starts
This path
should work on all Android versions.
I checked my app (prueba_version_2b.apk
) on a Galaxy S3 (Android 4.3):
It works.
Yes, but this is the problem, see e.g. here:
So we have to list all Android versions beforehand in order to be able to query that.
No, it's much more compiled.
For some purposes it could be done this way:
But only Android 4
Ice Cream Sandwich
Jelly Bean
has 19 versions.
You can use this procedure to compare the version numbers even if the number has major, minor, and patch numbers:
For example, it should work correctly if you test against "4.4.2" as a version even though it isn't a mathematical number.
Yes, but is this really simpler than using this small extension:
This would be the first device on that
does NOT work. So please let me know which device is it.
But as you can see (→ your screenshot) /my folder/a.txt
is created:
So it seems that TaifunFile.Exists
doesn't work correctly.
Check if the file a.txt exists on your device (manually).
If so, does share file
If you want it to work on iOS, you won't have a choice. Also, you can drag that picture into App Inventor to add it to your project, no extension required, keep it in the backpack, etc.
So it already seems to be certain that extensions will not be possible under iOS.
I already thought so.
I build my iOS apps with Xcode & Swift.
Apple policy is that apps cannot run code not approved by App Store review, so the companion app can't support extensions otherwise it wouldn't be approved (or we'd risk getting thrown out of the store). We may be able to support extensions in compiled apps, but it will probably end up requiring extension authors to write the extension both in Java and in Swift. We don't have a time frame for when that would be supported.
It's a 77x mobile
I have already manually checked that the file is created. (I have been checking it with each test)
It creates it because when starting with a slash "/" in the "file" component it goes directly to the root directory (in this the mobile 77x to the address "/ storage / sdcard0 /" but if you want to read it with the Taifunfile component, points to the address "/ storage / emulated / 0" (which does not exist on this device).
that is what I already indicated in previous comments.
That's why I prefer to use the "/ sdcard" path because at least it works fine for me for all the tests I've done.
For me this issue has been solved, how far I think I can go with my means.
@Isaac_Perez There seems to be something broken with the symlinks of your device:
As I said:
should work on all Android versions.