CTRL + F yields unexpected and unwanted results

Hi, everyone.

I was so happy when someone shared that "CNTL + F" brings up the search window. Unfortunately, when I try to search the blocks (see the first image) and press the up/down "next in search" arrows in the search window, I get the second image and, no matter how many times I press the up or down arrows, the view stays the same.

Is there an advanced instruction set for the search window? I cannot imagine that to be so but I sure do not know why my blocks are not being searched. Any instruction or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

hi I advise you not to use ctrl + f but to write directly on the blocks page because ctrl + f is a browser function not AI2 (only works on the block section)

I use this instead for my blocks searching:

More alternatives at

P.S. Sample AI2Helper run:
AI2Helper demo

Wow! Thank you for that. I will get downloading and see if I can get that up to speed. As I highly respect your mastery of AI2, might you look at a post I made in the Help page early this morning? I am trying to achieve four logical outputs but my Metric data entry is interpreted as Imperial in the Get Data block and I do not know why. Thank you, again, for the search tool upgrade. It is so much more powerful than the cntl/F function. The title refers to my "ILL LOGIC."

I start my online sessions working the Express line, to clear out the posts needing quick answers first.

Some posts, like your Gordian Knot, need more voices to be heard, so it is better to give others a chance to chip in first.

Agreed. Thank you for responding and allowing others to help - even if that help was not what I was seeking. After two other assistants suggested either a truncation of my Get_Data block or a complete partial revision, I had a "Eureka" moment. Since I determined that the Metric data inputted was being processed as though it was Imperial, I took a good hard look at my logic and I found that, when calling the Metric button, I had failed to dis-enable the Imperial button, and vice versa. Since the logical path asked if the Imperial button was enabled, the metric data never had a chance to see the light of day. Adding two small blocks solved my problem. I posted the solution in my response to those seeking to assist me if you are interested in what I came up with..

My solution may not be elegant and there may be far too many lines of code (which I will work on eliminating later) but it works flawlessly and I do not believe that end users will be looking under the hood and criticizing my coding efforts.

Thank you for all the hand-holding and guidance. My self-confidence is growing exponentially as this project proceeds - especially when I ultimately find the solution on my own!