Combine Horizontal / Horizontal Scroll Arrangement

Sometimes it is necessary to change from Horizontal Arrangement to Horizontal Scroll Arrangement. This can be a big job. Is it possible to add a tag to the first arrangement (Scroll / Not Scroll) and eliminate the item Horizontal Scroll Arrangement? Same for vertical.


You could have one of each, both containing the same content, and make visible/not visible as required?

You could also do some thing clever using a dynamic components extension to rebuild that part of your layout either with a scrolling or non scrolling arrangement.

For a vertical scrolling arrangement, you can stop it scrolling by setting the screen to scrollable (although the screen would then be scrollable...)

You may want to show an example of what you mean if the above does not cover it...

Why? Does it depend on ScreenOrientation?
Show an example (test aia).

I agree

You started using a horizontal arrangement and later you find out, that using the horizontal scroll arrangement would have been the better choice

Now you have to move all components from a to b...

It would help to have only a horizontal arrangement to choose from and a property scrollable similar to the property scrollable in component Screen



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Same goes with vertical arrangements

ScrollHandler extension has a function named ToggleScrolling which enables/disables scroll property of the Scroll Arrangements.


This does exactly what you mention

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