Companion Desconection at 20%

I don't know anything about networking. Why can different users use different connection types? Does it depend on the location?

I think @ewpatton can clarify better:

I am stuck at 20% in the Companion on a simple app, no Media
Brave version:
Release Notes v1.60.114 (Nov 8, 2023)
Added a first-party exception list to the correct adblock engine. (#34081)
Upgraded Chromium to 119.0.6045.124. (#34164) (Changelog for 119.0.6045.124)

CloudDB_list.aia (2.9 KB)

P.S. Has MIT taken a TURN to the worse?

Works fine on Chrome. :wink:


Firefox :smile:

For me in the las t versions of Chrome and Firefox the connection woth Companion Stopi at 20%.
Please, read the

Mey be you don't need the TURN server of MIT.

It might be Android verson.

Companion connection via camera code to my Moto G went okay, but hand typed 6 letter code to my BlueStacks emulator hung at 20%.

Maybe an adb thing?

@ABG Works with Android 13 and Android 4.2 and the OLD emulator

What happens if you close your Browser, reload your Browser, run AI and reload your Project?

We have rolled back an upgrade to the TURN server that may have been causing the issue.


And now it connects snappily.

Too late to try this, now that the TURN server has changed.

Solved @ewpatton . Now is running well. Thanks.
The problem is in the TURN server because I had full connectivity with Companion and after I had not.

That seems to have fixed it (at least for my district)! We had an issue with Chromebooks not working for a bit, but that cleared up...

Confirmed, works again.

We have deployed an updated fix to the server.

I have re-loaded the website as well as rebooted my cell phones and still having the issue. "The companion has disconnected". Is there anything more I should do?

I am disconnecting again at 20% in BlueStacks emulator, but the Companion on my phone connects okay, by code and by scan.

Not all developer issues are due to the TURB server. If you have a large Project, you might have an issue with your code or your router. See Search results for 'companion has disconnected' - MIT App Inventor Community. That error message mean you cannot connect at all after a while, not stalling at 20%

Do you get the frequent disconnect with a simple Project? Have you ever connected without issues?

If you're using Firefox, could you send a screenshot of the table that is shown on the about:webrtc page when you expand the details section for ai2 (or code, if you're using that).

Are you using Android or iOS?