I see it now, But unfortunately, I must choose from both worlds what is good and for that, I must test for errors. The problem is when I identify an error on an extension and the author disappears! Not all authors of the extensions are Kevinkun!!! For that, I must thank you again, Kevin.
I wondered at one time in the past... Why somebody that can create such wonderful extensions like CompCreator, DynamicComponents, DragAndDrop, and so on... Not make those extensions "complete" and "bugs free"!!!
And the only answer that I found is the fact that a single person is unable to see/think in all scenarios possible. For that reason, it was invented the teamwork! More heads more performance.
I can't afford to make affirmations about AI2 framework, but I can afford to make affirmations about how will be the iESN framework.
As one of the goals of the iESN framework will be the creation of ECU's documentation, ECU's connectors/functions and documentation, before documentation/functions and so on... will be publicly accessible for all users to use, al... but all... will be carefully analyzed by an iESN system real professional team and validated or not.
If that documentation/function will respect the best practice guide (about how to... help.. documents... veracity... exactity... and so on) provided by the iESN system, it will almost certainly be approved. If not... well in that case it will be work for nothing, for the user that makes this.
Teamwork is a cornerstone of today's framework, in fact, the important attribute of that teamwork is the quality not the quantity!
All the above and more will demonstrate the respect that the iESN system will have for the people who use the iESN system, for their time. In fact, the iESN system will be only what users that will use that system are... real professionals in a big world formed by pseudo professionals.
If you want, I can explain to you the difference between those terms.