Connect login and register form in firebase

@moemen according to you the data is storing successfully and you need to call that data and compare the tag and value so you can do like this

  1. Call tag list (it will call all the tags in the form of a list)

  2. When got tag list then
    if (is in list, thing emailtextbook.text, list get value) {
    Call get value from firebase tag = emailtextbook.text

  3. When got value {
    if (password.text == get value){
    Go to other screen

I have written it in simple language to make it understandable else I would have written it in java code
I'll provide you the example blocks soon till then try this method and later you will also get the blocks
Hope this might help you if not message me personally I'll help you surely

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Actually I have made a fully functioning chat app and there is was using this kind of login system.
That's why I know this all :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Thank You


Thank you and yeah if you can do it as block, i I will be thankful for you

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OK I'll do it but wait for sometime

Thank you


Thank you so much :heart:

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Your most welcome


You have the right to look after your users privacy....
Firebase does not present an authenticated user's password anywhere, you would have to get it from the app

Firebase REST API provides a routine for this:

However, if you want to try something different, this may be more to your liking and provide you with more control:


Do they have to be empty? or which no?

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Read the guide, it tells you want is required.

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"You will also need three more variables with an empty text: idToken, currentUser, and signType "

passwd , uid , projectbucket from where can i take them

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Please read the guide from the beginning! When you setup your project and your authenticated user, these items are available in the firebase console.

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What is this? :neutral_face:
It is a Setup for me? :smiley:
I don't understand why after taping sign up button it appeared
What i must to do


Are you using the test aia provided in the tutorial from ? If yes please read carefully and study the code



Please stop making a new topic every time you have a question when it relates to your existing topic. Just continue the conversation in the existing topic.


dont forget me please :heart:

  • You are testing a demo app for single auth / multiuser login on Firebase.
  • You have signed up as a user
  • Now enter some data, and see how it appears in the firebase console
  • You should also be able to see the users section
  • Restart the app and signup as a different user (there is no verification so it doesn't have to be a real email address), then check the users section again in the firebase console. As you wanted (your rights) you can see all the sign up / login details for each user....
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i download form and blocks as aia file from this page

and i will modify login form and register form then i I will modifie blocks a little and put my url and api firedatabase
will it work?

then can i change this

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It should work for you if you have followed the guide correctly

Use Projects > Save project as...

to save the project with a different name. You will need to change the AppName in as well


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You may need to create a new firebase project and select the US server (not the EU server). I do not know why this is a problem but switching to the US server usually fixes the problem.

Also, or alternatively, once project is created, and you want to use Authentication features, select Authentication and enable email/password (for this project)

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everything worked but i want to ask you i couldnt send user information to firebase why?


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