Cotação dolar- please help (Dollar exchange rate)

tenho que fazer um trabalho sobre cotação do dolar e necessito resgatar a cotação do dia anterior, por acaso alguém sabe como eu faria com o primeiro dia do mês?

Welcome Bruno.

You need to access a currency conversion web site using their api to determine and track the exchange rate. Some of these services ar 'free' others require a subscription. Currency conversion api

Here is an example showing how to use a Currrency api with a Web component API: extract a certain value out of the data

This also:

something like thisconversor.aia (1.6 MB)
I need to get the day before the first day of the month

You might use javascript to calculate the last day of a month ( the day before the first day of the current month)

P.S. These blocks can be dragged directly into your Blocks Editor workspace.

I did not get a chance to test this.
My FormatDate format might be wrong.
(editted - ABG)