The files are in their place. The crashing event happens if connection isn't active
Basically when I get the error 1103(post function failed due to connection error), it crashes
Then test wifi/data connection before taking a picture....
It's the solution i've gone for, that i described here:
It "fixed" the crashes(if connection doesn't go off while the upload is being done)
It didn't reach the core of the problem, but it made it very rare at least
which is ?
Which is that if connection crashes while the request is being processed, it still crashes as soon as it gets the error 1103. And I think that is not normal, since all the other web procedures just reports the error to the user and the app continues its elaboration.
You would need to test network connectivity for all your web calls / image takes before they happen
You would need to handle any errors using the error blocks provided with the web component or the Screen component
I added the Screen ErrorOccured component: it should write the error in a label. While all the other web calls does what is expected from the handler, this single call after the error is reported by the system makes the app unresponsive(and crashing) and nothing is written in the designed label
You would handle it here:
before further processing
I did it too, nothing new