Creating a Chronometer

Also, this is the basis of the stopwatch by Scott Ferguson, keeps time to 1/10th second

Clock is set to nothing:


It may be possible to use just the one clock for four counters…


See this sample exercise routine app for three simultaneous timers on one Clock …!msg/mitappinventortest/BOj2-ThEe3s/VlmXdcVOAgAJ

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Nice Idea, I might try this one!!
Thank you for your inspiration

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Thank you It will be very useful!

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My problem is in the minutes part where it doesn’t give the seconds after the whole min number it has be given (for example if there are 75 sec, it gives only 1 min without counting the 15 sec that are left out)
Thank you for the suggestions that you give me!

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Minutes and seconds are standard countdown timer parts.
Here is one sample:!msg/mitappinventortest/QBw5qNHEsxc/EmdKoQLMDwAJ

The basic idea is to start from total milliseconds to boom,
then chop off years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds from each successive remainder working your way down from large to small.


Thank you it worked now that you helped solving my problem I will continue with careful.

Hello again, I faced another problem but this time is just an aesthetic one and not a structural one.
For each chronometer I would really like to find the format of the clock with 0.00.00 but instead when I make the time start I just see 0.0.0 and the seconds keep going. How do I solve it?
Thank you very much!

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It’s nothing too complicated I just can’t find a way to change the format of the clock that’s it. If you have an idea that might solve my problem I will surely consider it.
Thank you

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Try this:

Maybe I'll post a little extension to simplify this. I let you know ...

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It would look like this:

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Thank you very much it’s very helpful :+1:

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I have found it is possible to use the built in FormatTime block - with some adjustment for the summer time hour in my locale


This will return the millis value in 00:00:00 format (hours:mins:secs) for display

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Yes, it is known:

Unfortunately, the problem continues with the days:




Here is the new extension:


Ok thank you very much for solving my problem, but at this moment I am trying to figure it out how to save the time after I’ve put on the chronometer (on a file) and then when I reopen the app I will find the time on file + the time I spent out of the app.
Example : I have a chronometer that is used to manage my time spending time on PS4
I can play 30 min per day and I created this app for it. I pun on the chronometer and I after some minutes while I’m playing the phone goes on the homescreen and exits from the app. I want the time spent with the app open + the time I spent with the app closed to be viewed all together by using a file that saves the time when the app is closed and adds the time when I reopen it.
Thank you, I anyone wants to suggest something fell free to help me

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These are now questions about TinyDB.
So please open a new thread for this.

See also my topic "Statistic: Total duration..." in the old AI2 forum:!searchin/mitappinventortest/statistic|sort:date/mitappinventortest/Md9uNzxJh3g/xzHS3CGJBQAJ

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Ok done, now I understand what you are talking about I’ll try to watch some tutorials about it to get informed better thank you very much for the suggestion!

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