Good Day
The navigation application is based on the open street map, how do l integrate walking paths that are not visible on the open street map and activate them to be visible and link them to walking block if user wants to use foot to move around the campus
Create a FeatureCollection of the paths using the LineString tool on . (sorry, this might not be possible for the Zimbabwe U campus; you may have to use a different tool)
Draw the foot paths where you need them on tool
and save the result.
Load the paths FeatureCollection into your Map component.
Create a set of LineStrings using the LineString component. You might use a List of coordinates of the foot path for each LineString.
Use code similar to this
to create the List of coordinates for a single foot path;
save the List;
later add it to a LineString showing the path.
Use a new LineString for each path you want to add to your Project.
You can, if you have the patience, manipulate the shape of the LineString on the Designer. Difficult but possible
Get the foot paths you need added to OpenStreetMap.
Join the team of OSM volunteers who are allowed to add features to the official OSM tiles. The OSM web page explains how to add features to their map tiles.
Sorry, you can't do that unless you join the OSM mapping volunteers.
I already have the paths as a shapefile so l will convert them to geojson and add the through feature collection
I tried joining the OSM mapping volunteer am still waiting for their response
No, it is impossible to integrate the digitized walking paths . The link you provided uses a link to Google Navigate to provide directions and a map. Developers can not modify Google Maps using a Map Feature Collection and use it this way to 'update' the features of the map.
Import a FeatureCollection using one of the examples for a campus map that uses the MIT Map component and if the FeatureCollection is well formed should possibly allow you to integrate the digitized walking paths on the MIT OpenStreetMap map.
The add feature aia is working
As l was trying to convert the geojson file to txt it's reporting message that the file is corrupt so l will try again to draw the paths