CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

Here are some example blocks

Let me suggest to use folder Download, see also the comment from @Anke there


Grazie mille e nel blocco al posto di URL devo inserire il mio URL? Cioè del sito ?

Ma non funziona ho copiato come mi hai detto

Ho provato con diversi modi, sia download downloads /download documents, ma in nessun caso mi fa scaricare file, purtroppo, ho letto il thread e seguito come mi avevi consigliato.

I tried with different ways, either download from the downloads /download documents, but in no case it makes me download the file, unfortunately, I read the thread and follow up as I had recommended.

Swipe refresh with custom can I use this in application

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I use this version.

When any textarea first time clicked/focused , the page auto scrolled to top.
My html code,

<!DOCTYPE html>
  .dummy-content {
    height: 2000px; 
    border: 1px solid black;
    margin: 10px;
<div class="dummy-content">Dummy Content 1</div>
<input type="text">
<textarea id="myTextarea"></textarea>
<div class="dummy-content">Dummy Content 2</div>

Perhaps something here you can try:

I tried e.preventDefault(); and e.stopPropagation() and return false;
and I tried them all.
nothing works.
once textarea focused, the keyboard push the page to top.
I even tried using setWebview when textarea focused, to set customWebview.scrollable to false, then after 3 seconds set it back to true, but nothing works.

The same html page works fine in WebViewer, But it auto scrolled in customWebView

There is your answer then ?

  • What is the latest version of the extension? [I'm confused] :face_with_spiral_eyes:

i can't find any explanation or example in there. customwebview is quitting immediately. I tried placing it in a vertical arrangment that is the only thing on the screen, and it still quits. Does it need some initialization? I am using only this:


Please advise

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Got this error when using WebView on my site. User

Webpage not available The webpage at intent://;scheme=https;;end could not be loaded because: net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

You need a url that starts with either http or https.

Is that the only solution to the problem

That's an intent url (see chrome docs). You could try parsing the link, set the values of a activity launcher, and then launch it. The easier option would be to have chrome handle it through an activity launcher

Enable DeepLink property from blocks.
If it doesn't work then obtain url from ErrorOccurred event of CustomWebView and handle it yourself using Activity Starter.

And search before you ask.

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I want to load it internally instead of loading it externally. The deep link worked, but it loaded externally

Can anyone tell me how to load deep link internally