Displaying a table from google sheets but I dont know how to change the colour of the background to fit my app

I don't see a table....

If you want to show it in a webviewer, then you would need to add some html/css to make the background black and the text white. You will probably need to get the data using the web component, then feed this to an html page using the webviewstring.

there is also a problem where the table only shows up when I press a textbox, not right after I press the show work button.

how do i do this?

Can you use extensions ?

Much easier to use Tableviewer to display the downloaded query data

can you give me a link for that?

On second thoughts, there may be a way to inject some css to the existing html using the javascript DOM. I would have to do some code finding and testing to see if this works.


thanks please notify me if you found a way to do that

Can you please share your spreadsheet ID for testing

i have a problem with trying to turn my data into text,
this is the image that displays the table but I don't really know how to get the data from webviewer2 to use it for TableViewer

This should do it:

(This is a draggable block, click on it, then click again and drag onto your blocks editor)


it works now thank you so much

is there a way to center the table?

In your app, centre the screen, then adjust the width of the webviewer.

To do it inside the webviewer would require more css...

alright thanks

there's a problem where the table wont show up after I press the show work button, but if I press the textbox and my keyboard pops up.then the table will finally show up. How to do make it show up immediately upon pressing the button

Not seeing that issue here:

Could be that you need to uriEncode your query, using a block from the web component?

what do you mean i dont understand

these are my blocks incase it's needed.

For centring, add this to your javascript, below the other settings for "nodes"


This will make the table fill the webviewer width. You can then decrease the width of the webviewer in the designer to suit your requirements (and set the Screen to centred)

I am not sure why you are having to click the button twice...

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