I purchased the BackgroundTasks Extension but just can't get my head around the naming convention.
Has anyone used it and has it working. Would love a simple example. Thank you.
I see you are using the Extension Developer's example when the error is generated. The best person to ask is the Extension Developer. The extension is designed around Kodular, so something might be incompatible with AI2.
I've tried his examples, and a volley of everything else. Was just hoping that someone had an a working example in AI2 before I bothered him, incase it was my stupid mistake.
That is true.
Since the extension developer has not released the extension here so it is quite understandable that it is somewhere incompatible with ai2
From what I have read, it is compatable ans I spoke to him prior and and he said it would be compatible. Just thought I would ask here for a simple example if somone had previously used it.
If so then here is the answer:
You can't use that or any extension using service in Companion because companion app does not have those services declared in manifest.
Just to finish the line of reasoning here, you must compile any apps that use extensions with services due to the fact that the services are added to the app at compile time. The companion app doesn't declare these services, but when you compile your app the final product will have them.
Thanks all for the help. The Background Extension is all working now. It does work in AI2, just not work in the Companion as stated above. When compiled this example is working the way it should with the screen off. I contacted [Atom_Developer] who easily pointed me in the right direction. Here is my example for anyone else who purchase the ext.