I am getting an error when I try to compile
Thank you
If you search the community you will see a lot of topics about DX execution failed.
They can have a lot of reasons so posting only the message will not help.
Did you read the other topics and search for a solution there?
It could be because of these issues:
Too many blocks (if you have 3000+ blocks on one screen, start to watch out).
Too many components (in particular, labels and arrangements).
Used an extension.
As always, it is better to post more debug information (AIA more preferred than blocks).
Thank you
But question I lost about 60% of my code moving stuff to a another screen is there a way to recover it?
I really hope there is cause I really do not think I have the energy to redo it.
Thank you
For what it's worth, the Ai2Helper browser extension at
could have been used to download individual procedures and event blocks en masse as draggable .png files, making for a great incremental backup facility.
My condolences on your loss.
Thank you
But I should of done a checkpoint before starting to move stuff around. I just don't think I have what it takes to try and repair this.
Here are the errors along with 1 of many blocks that ended up empty.
Thanks again
It looks like you learned the hard way, how important it is to make backups... see also