Extension: Drag Layout. Rotate. Set position. Drag Component

Hello friends,

with this extension we can Drag, Rotate and Set a Layout on the Screen.
We can also drag and set a component, and get the parameters of a layout and a component.

You can download the com.KIO4_Move.aix extension from:

  • Important, the Screen must not have the Scrollable Property checked.

1.- Example.

p194L_mover_layout.aia (149.8 KB)

Ambrigam by Rex Whistler ¡OHO!


APK crashes (even without using any block).

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Not crashing here

Hello it seems nice but can you add a pinch to zoom any view like if we want to zoom on horizontal arrangement

this will help in any video zoom in and out

Try this:

Works just fine :wink:

With the APK?

Not yet....was going to say only testing in companion...

mmmm..nasty, doesn't even want to open when compiled ?

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It crashes also on Niotron and older AI2Offline versions with the APK.
I think @Juan_Antonio might know the cause.

@Anke, @TIMAI2, can you try the updated version in APK, please?



:+1: works fine!
Where was the problem?

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APK also tested working fine here too :+1:

In the code I had set it to only work in emulation.


2.- Example. Move keyboard.

MoveKeyboard.aia (11.9 KB)

  • When you drag the orange area, the keyboard moves.
  • VerticalArrangement1 is hidden in the Design.

K: Show keyboard.
H: Hide keyboard.
D: Delete number
Arrow: Delete last char.

3.- Example. A button rotates continuously.

Button_Rotate.aia (11.3 KB)

  • Button1 rotates continuously.
  • When TouchDown, the value of Label1 is increased


4.- Example. An image randomly changes its position every 4 seconds.

p194L_MoveRandom_i.aia (1.2 MB)

  • The strawberry image randomly changes its position every 4 seconds.
    You must click on it.

Note: this is just a teaching example, you can create the same effect using Canvas.

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5.- Example. Create Buttons and Label in Canvas.

p194L_MoveCanvas.aia (12.2 KB)

  • In Designer we put two Buttons and a Label below the Canvas.
  • When the screen is initialized those elements will be placed in the established place within the Canvas.