Please delete this topic

I think this can be used as the Rush do.
But this is something new and latest and powerful.
@JEWEL correct me if I am wrong.

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Any plan for aar libraries support? @JEWEL

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Please add
Any tutorial of this full command. And setup jdk 8.

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It's really helpful :pray:

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But they are available in rush2, the source of which is on github and you can compile it yourself.

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Give it a try and let us know.


I'm using Rush2. Helper blocks work. Dependency resolution system is a bit buggy.


Me too, but @shreyash tell me and another beta tester not publish any extension made by rush2
And you are right there some bugs in dependency resolution


He didn't tell me anything like that. But I don't think he'll continue working on Rush2, and certainly not anytime soon. So it's good that someone else has taken on building a similar project. I'll definitely try Fast.


I will try today.

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Error while installing on macOS

Fast command added to .zshrc
sh: line 58: /Users/hridoy/.bashrc: No such file or directory
hridoy@Hridoys-MacBook-Pro ~ % fast        
zsh: command not found: fast


MacOS Big Sur
Version 11.7.10

Now there are import problems.

This tutorial forgot device storage permission.
To access device location to save fast cli projects and find project code.

I have solved this problem check it out.

Thank to create fast cli installation tutorial
@buxalikaloi and @JEWEL

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While it's nice to see new projects in this category, I'm really disappointed by the fact that you chose to copy almost everything from Rush than putting in some of your efforts. The first post is a mere "hey chatgpt, please rewrite this so it doesn't look like I copied it" version of my announcement post for Rush. Your wiki is also just a ChatGPT version of Rush's wiki. Even the name and tagline completely resemble that of Rush.

I'd like you to either completely change your posts, wiki, and everything else you've copied from my work, or, give attribution to Rush in every section of your wiki and the post saying "Taken from Rush (<link to original thing>)".

Also, I see you have incorporated some parts of Rush's open-source code within your project, most notably the install scripts. The repo rush-cli is licensed under GPLv3, and therefore, you need to open source your entire project under the GPLv3, not just the copied files.

Honestly, I'd have loved this to be a successor to Rush, but what you've done is very disappointing.


I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I have given you credit in all the appropriate places. I am also a big fan of Rush. I've written this project in Java specifically for Android users. I later decided to release it for other platforms as well. I designed the project structure and installation scripts similar to Rush because we admire & love your project.


After running that command i'm able to create Fast project but it gives import error . I think It's not pointing to the libraries

It's working after reinstalling. Thanks

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as per request

I don't think it is the correct thing to remove your contribution

Rush has not been continued since a while and Fast could have been its successor

Think again about it and give credit to @shreyash
