[FREE] Alarm Extension

I haven't tested your extension yet, but it's actually an important aspect of an alarm that it doesn't need to be reset after restarting the device. @Taifun's AlarmManager extension does it (if I remember correctly).

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The extension is accompanied by its source code in Java, the extension includes a Boot receiver alarm, but for reasons that I cannot overcome at the moment, it does not work correctly, if anyone wants to look at it and see the reason why it does not It works, I would appreciate it.

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All information is included in this topic.

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@Taifun's AlarmManager extension does it

I tried a lot, I also reset my phone and every time I rebooted, whatever alarm I had gone through was gone.

unfortunately you ignored my recommendations for Xiaomi devices from here



Yes, after granting a permit for the autostart, it also works with this extension.

I correct, the extension does recover the alarms when the device is restarted or turned off, the problem is that I do my tests with a Xiaomi phone, and it needs a special configuration, on the rest of the devices there should be no problems.

Yes, you can add this information in the first post to make it more visible.

At the moment I cannot modify the first post, I am a basic user

Is there any chance that Ulli's extensions are combined here and ringing the recurring alarms?
And all the alarms even after restarting the device?
Extensions are here:

You should be able to modify now @Mario1

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Sorry, jumping to conclusions.
It actually works perfectly even after opening the other screen where I have another app.

How can a reminder message be placed here in this that will enter each time the reminder time is selected?

This extension offers setting the notification title to a text of your choice


The extension allows you to change the title of the notification, its text is the date and time of the alarm and at the moment it is not editable, but in future versions, it will be editable

Mario, does your extension work with Taifun's Alarm? Also, can you explain how do you do the part where you select the days of the week the alarm will repeat?

In these two posts, it tells you how to create a repeat alarm

Un saludo

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