[FREE] Json Array decoder for you CRUD's

Okay, version 2 will have a 'Handler' (Mr. Json),

Which depending on the structure of the JSON, will raise a code, for example:

  • 1000 = it's a Null JSON

  • 1001 = it's not a JSON

  • 1002 = it’s a JSON json Dictionary

  • 1003 = it's a JsonArray,

  • 1004 = It's a Nested Json Array

  • 1005 = Even Mr. Json knows what is this :confused:

  • This way, can handle different logic depending on the structure.

Could leverage the structure recognition provided by 'Mr. Json' to convert one structure into another.

Dictionary as Object: { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }
Array: [ "value1", "value2", "value3" ]
Nested Arrays: [ [ "value1", "value2" ], [ "value3", "value4" ] ]

Yes, but this approach has his considerations, like:

  • Correct Structure: Ensure that the converted text remains valid JSON. This approach may not be suitable for complex or deeply nested JSON structures.

  • Validation: Need additional validation to ensure the JSON format is correct after transformation.

This method of text manipulation is useful for simple transformations but might not handle complex JSON structures properly.

Other: is org.json library that's MIT Appinventor use, is well-suited for many common JSON processing tasks and small to medium-sized JSON files/Datasets.

Better choice be Gson library implementation, that can handle large datasets and structures more efficiently (performance & flexibility).

  • But i don´t know how manipulate libraries en Niotron IDE :face_exhaling:

But nothing is it's impossible! :grin:
it's all about learn, knowledge, combining technique, ingenuity, knowledge, and read all error Logs :face_with_head_bandage:


  • For a use case; an Arduino/ESP32 sending data every minute to a cloud service (Table, Document, Collection, etc), containing information such as humidity, temperature, wind, pressure, rain, and solar radiation. a (6*1440) Json dataset. :thinking:

Some phones will blow up! performing that task :smiling_face_with_tear:

Also learning how to quote out of context...

Haha. I was just talking about removing a single comma from the json example in our documentation.

@TIMAI2 Thank God it wasn't like that. [Edited]

  • I also left a message on Ito-X (Github), about whether you can package a JAR for an extension I'm doing.

Now I am working on a new extension, using the Gson library; Mr Json:

  • It will bring more functions, event handling, etc.

Only that when looking for Json's models, I found myself with real headaches when dezserializing (Parse) Collections. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

So I am looking for a way; If you can't Parse :face_with_head_bandage: at least provide the tools to do it. :mechanic:

@ABG With the launch of Mr. Json, I intend to make a real post about the Json structure, covering topics that were not covered here, such as:

  • Why Json became standard in the era of BigData, ML, algorithms and Vodoo Dolls.
  • Understand the structure when creating a Json.
  • Structured vs unstructured.
  • Sequential, Non-sequential, Graphs
  • Especially for those who work with Documents, Collections, Tags or when creating GeoJson, etc.

So I will notify you privately so that you can delete the post that redirects to this one.

But before that, I want to finish with the other extension (Realtime DB changes & notifications).

This way I can also post the course with Postgre and Supabase, so that there are more alternatives to FB, GSheet, etc.

In the meantime, don't delete the redirect to this post.

(At most they will ask here about any questions).

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