[FREE] ProMaths Extension

ProMaths Extension

Hi Everyone!
Today, I am publishing my first extension ProMaths.
ProMaths is a extended form of the default maths blocks.

Extension Details

ProMaths Extension

Package- com.nisarga.ProMaths.aix

Version- 1

Extension Built-2020-11-24T18:30:00Z

Last Updated- 2020-11-24T18:30:00Z


There are 5 blocks currently, I will be adding more blocks in future releases.


com.nisarga.ProMaths.aix (5.4 KB)

Or Download From Here

Why exactly 6 inputs to the Add block?
A Sum(list) block would be more general.

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There are five inputs & I added options for 3 inputs & 4 inputs but I think due to some problems while compiling they weren't created.

I will be adding sum list block in future releases.

@powerusers (Apologies For Tagging) Am I Eligible For Extension Developer Group?

Nice start :+1: Congratulations for your first extension :partying_face:

What is this badge :thinking: I didn't find it here:

Also please follow the naming conventions:

I thought there was a extension dev badge

that’s not bad for a start… and you also mostly followed the naming conventions…
a better name for Numberwithpowerof would be NumberWithPowerOf...

in the MIT App Inventor community there is no such thing as an extension developer group...
there is an extension developer group in Kodular... however imho to earn the developer badge you should provide something really useful, which is not possible with current blocks

and as we can see from the colors, you are using Kodular... so what about testing your extension if it is also working here in App Inventor and provide App Inventor screenshots?

btw are you aware, that there already exists a Math extension, which is able to calculate "everything"? And it only needs one method to do that...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.


But your extension may not be able to determine both values (x1,2) of a quadratic equation.
Or does it? :wink:
Then my extension would be superfluous. Wouldn't be tragic as it was only a first test for me anyway. My first extension - quadratic equation

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I think it should work perfectly as it runs on Kodular. I will test it on AI2 tomorrow because it is 11.28 PM in India.


Assume nothing, test, test, test, then test again.


I think, to get x1 and x2 you just would have to use that formula then



Of course, it can be done in two steps.


Thank you, it is a very good Extension
I used

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You are welcome.

I am glad that you used it.