[FREE] SMS Reader Extension


Extension to get all SMS messages from phone. This extension contains READ_SMS permission so be careful while using this extension in your apps while publishing them on Play Store. Google may reject your app if used without proper declaration of its use.

Permission used: android.permission.READ_SMS


Instructions to use extension


Check if permission is granted if not then request permission before getting messages. PermissionRequested event will return true if granted.


Get all messages asynchronously from phone and returns list of senders, messages and time stamp.


Get all messages asynchronously for a given sender.



com.thekstudio.SMSReader.aix (8.8 KB)

Message.aia (86.0 KB)


Thank you for your contribution
Please follow the naming conventions...

isPermissionGranted -> IsPermissionGranted
requestPermissions-> RequestPermission


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Fixed naming.
Added Get Conversation function.

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Hello !!
What is the latest Android version your App works on ? I tried Android 13 but i don't see the sms in your App. I see it when it arrives on the phone but not in your App.

I do see 1 or 2 and some times 3 old text messages when i click on the ListView and only after i click on "Request Permission".

Thank you,


Any ideas on how to read sms in Android 13? or any other old Android version ? I will look for an old Android phone with the version you recommend works with your Read SMS Extension.

Thanks !!

Try App Inventor Extensions: Texting | Pura Vida Apps

I have not tested this on different android version but if you grant required permission it will work.

Thank you.

Tested yours and The_K_Studio and both worked fine but how come both Apps only read some of the senders ? Is there any restriction on what Text Messages not to read?


unfortunately the example doesn't work on my phone.

What I have to do? (Permission is granted)


Hi, which Android version is your device and can you show us your blocks?

Android 10.
I have downloaded Message example in this page.


Please show us your blocks, and also use Error Occurred event, to get error message if there is any.

No Error codes

Message.aia (86.0 KB)

Try App Inventor Extensions: Texting | Pura Vida Apps

I hope you are testing in Apk and not in companion.


Messages are getting but the they were hidden in the list view because text color of the list view was transparent.

Try this

Message.aia (86.0 KB)

It will take some time to load all messages depending on number of messages in your phone. Also make sure that there are messages in the phone, this will not work if you test this in an emulator.

Tested on Android 13

That's great.

Many thanks for your help. It works fine.

Now...I have to parse the messages...but the hard part I think has been done.


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this extension works to protect the number of the sender and receiver?. because i am trying to use the texting but protecting the number and not showing the numbers between phones.

This is not a texting extension. This extension allows you to read the text messages from device. You can control what information you want to read from the text message data.