you can add a option to select a range of text?
I am looking for a way to do that. Thank you.
Maybe this one can help you
@SimpleFunction(description = "Test")
public void SelectText(int start, int end) {
textbox.setSelection(start - 1, end - 1);
Probably this would help.
@SimpleFunction(description = "Selects the text of the TextBox according to the start and the end position. Only works if the TextBox is focused.")
public void SelectPartial(AndroidViewComponent textBox, int start, int end) {
View view = textBox.getView();
EditText edit = (EditText) view;
edit.setSelection(start - 1, end);
Version 4 updated!
New blocks:
Aligns the text of the TextBox. 1 is left, 2 is center and 3 is right.
Parameters: textBox = component, position = number (int)
Selects the text of the TextBox according to the start and the end position. Only works if the TextBox is focused.
Parameters: textBox = component, start = number (int), end = number (int)
Oh! Yes,
A perfect gooseman that can make life easy.
*Just for fun. Don't take it seriously.
Version 5 updated!
New blocks:
Moves the cursor to the specific position. Only works when the TextBox is focused.
Parameters: textBox = component, position = number (int)
Sets the font type of the TextBox. Use the blocks in the properties of this extension for the font parameter.
Parameters: textBox = component, font = text
Sets the font type of the TextBox. Use the blocks in the properties of this extension for the font parameter.
Parameters: textBox = component, bold = boolean, italic = boolean
A font block.
Returns: "DEFAULT"
A font block.
Returns: "MONOSPACE"
A font block.
Returns: "SANS SERIF"
A font block.
Returns: "SERIF"
You can set textbox direct like view
I'll try. I never thought setSelection
can apply to View.
Add one more properties
@DesignerProperty(editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
defaultValue = "True")
@SimpleProperty(category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public void CursorVisible(boolean enabled) {
Version 6 available!
Updated description of extension.
Combined SetFont and SetTypeface blocks to SetFontTypeface.
New blocks:
Sets the visibility of the cursor.
Parameters: textBox = component, visible = boolean
Sets the font typeface of the TextBox, including whether to bold, italicize, and the font of the TextBox. Use the blocks in the properties of this extension for the font parameter. If useCurrentFont is true, the font parameter will be ignored.
Parameters: textBox = component, bold = boolean, italic = boolean, font = text, useCurrentFont = boolean
Version 7 available!
Clears the error message shown on the tip of the given TextBox.
Parameters: textBox = component
Sets the hint color for the given TextBox.
Parameters: textBox = component, color = color
Sets the maximum lines the TextBox can contain. This block only works with TextBoxes with normal input type.
Parameters: textBox = component, lines = number (int)
Shows an error message on the tip of the given TextBox.
Parameters: textBox = component, message = text
P.S. All features except RemoveFocus are available with the aiStarter Android emulator.
Version 8!
Sets the elevation for the given TextBox in pixels.
Parameters: textBox = component, elevation = number (float)
Sets the input type for the TextBox. Use the blocks in the Properties to set the type parameter.
Parameters: textBox = component, type = number (int)
Sets the padding of the given TextBox.
Parameters: textbox = component, left = number (int), top = number (int), right = number (int), bottom = number (int)
Rotates the TextBox according to the rotation angle.
Parameters: textBox = component, rotation = number (float)
Oh yes
Now tell textbox component to leave his job. Because now no need of him. The extensions are the king now.
We have more options to add in this lol
I don't know which version to study.
現在下載 ,現在是最後一版。
ENGLISH: This is the latest version. Read the main post to download.
Tks your help!
At the moment in my four textbobes the cursor shows up as a very tiny line.
How could I make the cursors bigger and more noticeable ?