From microsd in arduino (either in txt or csv file) to MIT

About Arduino UNO + Bluetooth + SdCard

You just drag the cursor over the words you wish to quote, they are highlighted and a pop-up menu offers the chance to Quote - click it and it even starts a post for you :grin:

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Thank you <3 . I just got back home and started researching but can't still read multiple sensors from before I left.

I tried this but my problem is that, there is no label for what each data before the comma (,) is so I am still trying to do what to do.

Labels are unnecessary - the data is always collected in the same sequence. Including labels complicates App reception via Bluetooth as each BT packet only carries a payload (your data) of 20 bytes - so best to keep the data size as small as possible and keep it practical, as per my example App Inventor file.

Sensors or Servo Motors?