Good evening in the right bar of the window of inventor 2 is not visible the option of the theme of the title for example it has some options like Basic. Why?

Good evening in the right bar of the window of inventor 2 is not visible the option of the theme of the title for example it has some options like Basic. Why?

Are you speaking about the informations in the top bar under Project Properties?

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inventor 22

inventor 22

Access to Theme settings were moved with the latest App Inventor update

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Yes under the project properties . I sent the image

I provided you with the answer in post #3 above!

Thank you I did it. Thank you for your help

Yes, now is in the top bar , as I suggested you :+1:t2:

Well all is fine, only that when I open my app in my smartphone I can´t see the bar of the title, however in the window of the Inventor 2 in the computer I see it.

What can I do for the title bar be visible in my smartphone?

Go to Screen Properties in Designer.

Click the ShowStatusBar check box twice.

This seems to be an artifact of using an existing aia with the new version of App Inventor. Clicking twice is a work around for this new BUG and resets the TitleBar :wink: using Companion. This trick unfortunately does not carry over when creating the apk. The Title text remains hidden.

Does this work for you Arnelis?