does anyone have the knowledge to obtain information to fill in the fields of activity starters, such as filling in the call data to open "Whatsapp"
June 20, 2023, 4:39pm
Why this block does not run ? No corresponding activity was found.
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Because it's outdated... here's the current version:
You can also prepare a text to send and open whatsapp on the contact picker page. The user can select a contact and send your text.
Action: android.intent.action.SEND
ActivityPackage: com.whatsapp
ExtraKey: android.intent.extra.TEXT
ExtraValue: "your text to send"
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June 21, 2023, 6:20am
Thank you Patryk, it runs
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June 22, 2023, 8:19am
I'm not entirely sure if the problem (.ResolveAcivity
on Android 11+) still persists.
Yes, on devices with Android 11 .ResolveActivity is an empty string.
However, there is no need to check this as every device has an MP3 (audio) player.
Android 9 (above)
Android 11 (below):
I have two AI2 apps (ie app A and app B).
Shortly after startup, app A looks to see if app B is installed (not running, just installed).
If app B is not installed, a particular tinyDB tag is set to '5'.
If app B is installed, that same tinyDB tag is set to '0'.
App A never, ever, ever needs to start app B.
App A only needs to know that app B is installed.
My search of forum topics indicated that in Android 11, ActivityStarter1.ResolveActivity always returns an empty string (in m…
@angel_uriel I understand that you're trying to open WhatsApp using Activity Starter, but you can use this free extension which can help you to send messages, files, etc...
WhatsAppTools is an Extension to work with WhatsApp And WhatsApp Business.
This extension won't be updated anymore, that's why I've provided the source code.
Latest Version: 1
Released: 2020-10-06T22:00:00Z (UTC)
Last Updated: 2021-10-10T22:00:00Z (UTC)
android.permission.READ_CONTACTS, android.permission.CALL_PHONE
[blocks (1)]
Event raised when an error occurs
[blocks (2)]
return true if the App is Available
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