Help apk bluetooth microbit and android 13

Hello, il need help. This program works with android 11 and not now with android 13. I try to understand why but ils too difficult for me . I hope someone had this problem et can modify the program.
The error message is : need android.permission.bluetooth_scan ...
I work with microbit.
Plante_Temperature_Humidite.aia (386.2 KB)

Try using the latest version of the BLE extension.

You can also read there posts about new permissions issues for ble.

If you still have problems with the app, try compiling it on this server:

it's better, I have not error message.
Now the status "scanner" remains in device search.

I think you need to ask for some permissions. I haven't been here for a long time and I'm not up to date. You'll have to wait for someone else's answer or search the forum. You're definitely not the first with this problem.

Thank you very much

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Do you have GPS location turned on?