I need to send various data from my arduino to the application via bluetooth.
To send this data I create a buffer of "chars" with the data I need separated by commas. The problem is that when I receive the data via bluetooth, it receives the data in ascii mode (separating each char from the string of chars).
The example I show you is that I send the string of chars = "60,2,2,42,21,37,0" and the app receives via bluetooth = [54,48,44,50,44,50,44,44,52,54,44,50,50...] where each number corresponds to each char sent.
How can I make it send me the chars without the ascii decoding?
Thank you very much
#include <DHT.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "Sodaq_DS3231.h"
char buffer[34];
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(2,3);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //inicializaremos la comunicacion a 9600 baudios
dht.begin(); // inicializar sensor dht
Wire.begin(); //Para el reloj
rtc.begin(); //Para el reloj
void loop(){
int control = 0;
humedad1 = (abs((analogRead(analogHum1)/10.23)-100));
humedad2 = (abs((analogRead(analogHum2)/10.23)-100));
nivelAgua = medirAgua(alturaDeposito);
tempAmbiente = dht.readTemperature();
humedadAmbiente = dht.readHumidity();
luminosidad = (analogRead(sensorLuz))/10.23;
sprintf(buffer, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", luminosidad ,humedad1, humedad2, humedadAmbiente, tempAmbiente, nivelAgua, control); //preparamos el buffer
bluetooth.print(buffer); // enviamos el buffer por bluetooth