Help with this app sleep timer

Greetings, who has an idea of ​​how to make this sleep timer and have the slider have the same style as shown in the image, thank you

That looks like

  • a thin Canvas
  • a line drawn through the middle of the Canvas
  • a Ball
  • a Clock timer to move the Ball
  • Buttons to reset the Ball or start the Timer

It is a dialog box with some labels and a sliding bar that sets the application shutdown time.

Hello, You can Also use this Free custom dialog extension here:

Now you design The dialog using Vertical arrangement and horizontal arrangement.
and after that, Use the extension to create the custom dialog.
here is a example I made:
test.aia (45.8 KB)
I'm sure you can design it better than me :sweat_smile:

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ok I'm going to implement your example and I'll tell you later

The extension is well received, it executes the algorithms well, thanks for the contribution