How can I put my words of datepicker's picked-day into Google calendar's?

How can I put my words of datepicker's picked-day into google calendar's in appinventor ?

Ex) datepicker's picked date : Sep. 9 2020
my words :

     "I must go market to buy my brother's birthday present."

I want to put the words into date/word of google calendar in appinventor ?

Some ideas here:

The authorization requirements will, however, now be different.

This is making of Google calendar API.

Your answer is irrelevant to my question.

can you elaborate, why @TIMAI2's answer is not relevant to your question?

How can I put my words(text) of datepicker's picked-day into google calendar of android phone by appinventor ?

Ex) datepicker's picked date : Sep. 9 2020
my words(text) :

     "I must go market to buy my brother's birthday present."

I want to put the date-picker's words into date/word google calendar of android phone
by appinventor ?

This is rather old, from 2014:

from FAQ Section: Web Services Examples

Which is what I posted above :smiley:

The way to go is to have a look at the Google Calendar Service, and create a google apps script web app to handle the output:

Here is an example script:

function doGet(e) {
  var eName = e.parameter.eventName;
  var eStart = e.parameter.start;
  var eEnd = e.parameter.end;
  var eLoc = e.parameter.loc;
  var eDesc = e.parameter.desc;
  var event = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar().createEvent(eName,
    new Date(eStart),
    new Date(eEnd),
    location: eLoc,
    description: eDesc
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(eName + " event sent to Calendar");

In your blocks you would build a url for the web component and use Web1.Get:

https://<YOUR SCRIPT URL>/exec
Paint House
September 22, 2020 14:00:00 UTC
September 22, 2020 16:00:00 UTC
inside and out

Note the use of getDefaultCalendar. This uses the calendar of the google account user that owns the script. This calendar would need to be shared / other users subscribed to it, for other users to be able to see the entries.

Colour Codes for events:

(added to FAQ)

How can I put my words of datepicker's picked-day into Google calendar's day ?

  1. datepicker's picked date of appinventor

  2. my words of text box

  3. click "google calendar of button" to my words(text box) to google calendar's day....