How do I create a word search button?

Hi dear friend
I asked my questions in the group but did not receive an answer.
I ask you to help me
Because I talk to a translator, it is difficult for me to ask questions in different places.
please help me.
If you want to help, tell me your email so I can send you an email
Thank you very much

Have you tried Sajal's tutorial on Lists ?

or this might be what you are looking for Find a word in a part of sentence for condition

What you do depends on whether you are searching a List or a word text in a Label.

Hi dear friend
Unfortunately, no one gave me an acceptable answer
A simple question
But no one gave me the right answer
I realized that there is no one here to solve the problem
I regret coming to this site
Good bye

to get an answer, you first will have to ask correctly, so others can understand what you are talking about... see here and try again to ask


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.