How do I download a file from a website in a webviewer?

It is not working Anke. I have experienced much inconsistency with Android 12.
@Kalusha set downloadDir to just ~ and the files will be downloaded in App Specific Directory. When download finishes you can move the file from ASD to to /Download folder.

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ok, download works now. But they download an "download.bin" File. In another Browser they downlad the right File. (.dxf File)
Is it possible to move the File to Downloads with a block?

Try the file component...

Android 12:

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As you can see in my screenshots, it works fine on my Android 12 device.
And as I already said, you cannot copy / move a file to /Downloads,but only to one of the Shared folders (like /Download).

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Try this one (it should download in /Documents):

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Yes it works
Thank you :slight_smile:

Can you Post the aia?

Eventuell mit dem fix für die share Buttons?

Welche share buttons? (Ich sehe in deiner App keine Sharing component).

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Die meine ich.
Hast du an meiner aia jetzt noch was geändert das es funktionierte mit dem Download?

Was erwartest du? Diese buttons sollten die jeweiligen Apps öffnen (sofern diese installiert sind, was bei mir allerdings NICHT der Fall ist und - was Facebook betrifft - NIE der Fall sein wird).

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Did you check my test APK? If so, does it work for you?

Nein, in den Buttons sind nur links. Es sollen nur die links geöffnet werden. Passiert in einem Browser auch.

Hey Anke,
can you please send the aia. I don´t know what you have changed. When I put. /Documents it doesn´t work.
Thank you :wink:

Remove the slash /

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Sorry, where can I find the v12beta as extension?


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Yes, it works.
Tried Download, Documents , Pictures and all work. :grinning:

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This looks strange...


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Oh yes :sweat_smile: