How do I download app inventor?

I have downloaded AI2 offline and that downloaded file is in zip so I extract that file and extracted file is here

Now problem is that how to run app inventor

Now you will have to manually download submodules.
I suggest you to clone the repo instead.
It will make your life easier.

See here:

@Anke Am I need to download anything

You need to install Java JDK 8 and ...

as I already have shown you here.

@Anke Can you give me download link of Java JDK 8 for window

Why not do some searching yourself?

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There is so many links available and I do not know which link is correct

@Anke how to set JAVA_HOME

I won't be posting the links for the third time. :upside_down_face:

follow one of the links @Anke provided in her post above

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@Anke I set it same as you tell me but when I press 1 or 2 in app inventor file it produce error sound

@Anke thank you so much

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