How do I make a playlist of audio files stored in mobile?

Thank you very much for these information ..... Let me try :slightly_smiling_face:

@Anke Done it with the help of guidance .... its play on click and don't have to reopen the app. .... Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
Still struggling with the %20 .... there are some solutions in this community but not succeed .... Can you tell me a solution please?

There shouldn't be any problem with that. Post the aia (or send it to me via PM).

Ok, I checked your aia. But it's going to be too much work for me to rebuild everything for you.
So try my app (in this version, however, without the option to select audio files from a removable SDcard).

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Thank you again for so much efforts ...

I forgot to add the aia: MusicPlaylist_2b.aia (120.0 KB)

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:laughing: it was nice to rebuild as you guided but getting a error .... let me check your aia, then let you know ....

@Anke It's perfect for me ..... before close this topic please let me know ..... what to display in the app to credit you and other extension builders?

Not necessary as far as I'm concerned.

And be aware that with this version of my app no audio files can be picked from a removable microSDcard. This gets a bit more complicated as the paths need to be adjusted.

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Thank you very much :pray: appreciate your help.

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